Friday, April 2, 2010

Dramatic or Dying? Part II

So, I don't really know what else to say. I feel like I had so much in my head, and all the thoughts just crashed together and now they don't make any sense at all. Sooo frustrating.
Well I guess I'll just say this.

If some one is obviously in pain, don't just say they're being dramatic for expressing it. You never know how much it's really killing them. Christians especially, should be mindful of this. We are to love everyone, and show grace. So next time some one is expressing pain, don't tell them to cover it up. Hiding pain only makes it worse. Way worse. You never know when you could be the one to make a difference in how they handle their situation. My experience, has always been people telling me to ignore the pain, just get over it and move on. Leaving it un-addressed, and not taken care of. I've been told I'm just being dramatic. And yes, I admit, I am dramatic some times. More than I should be, really. Part of that is who I am though. It needs to be controlled, and I'm working on that. Part of it also comes from being more Poetic in nature too. I think of things in more creative, and artistic terms than some do. Which makes it difficult to relate to those who don't think the way I do. Which is fine, everyone thinks differently. That is a good thing! God gave everyone different minds for a reason. Everyone is "wired" in a different way. And each person's way of thinking reflects back Who God is. I'm not saying that truth and standards are relative. Cause they aren't. A way to explain it would be with the example of computers. Every computer runs differently. Yet they all function within a system. There is a certain way a computer must run for it to actually work. But there are many different variations of programs that run on the computer, that best fit the user's needs. Just like we are all "computers" let's say. God installed in each of us our own operating system. Each one is what the User, God, needs that Person to do. So.... Yeah, back to what I was saying about thinking poetically. (Haha, huggee rabbit trail). When I express things in a more poetic way, it can be hard to relate to for some person, and often gets labeled as drama. So I need to take more caution in that, and control what I say and do, as not to offend anyone.
Point being: Drama and Dying, are two different things.

Note*- Wow That post was totally unorganized and everywhere. I need to work on becoming more precise with my points. Haha :P


  1. ya mean truth and etc are not relative, rather than relevant?

  2. Whoops! yes, that's definitely what I meant.
    Fixed it:]
